5 Reasons Why You Should Date or love someone who far Older than You

Life is a big experiment a learning experience. And when you date an older woman, you accelerate your learning. You learn about yourself, and you can improve $£xually, mentally, and emotionally.

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1. She’s Not as Needy, She’s independent:
For the most part, older women won’t be waiting by their phone, hoping you finally text them back. They have their own lives and passions. She’s had her experiences with men in the past, and she knows that a man won’t make or break her life.

As a result, she’s much less dramatic, and overall, a lot easier to date.

2. You’ll Get Better at S!e x:
Older women know what they like and what they want in bed and they’re not afraid to tell you. Where a younger woman might let something slide, like, say, that you sometimes get in your head and out of the moment during s!ex, an older woman will speak up. Maybe not during s!e x (although sometimes yes), but definitely afterwards.
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3. You Can Learn from Her Experiences:
She’s taking on the world, Older women also have more life experience. She’s been through the roller coaster ups and downs that you’re going through now. She’s had to decide whether to chase her dreams.

She’s sculpted her career path and everything is coming together.


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